Seyi Shay says she can't do without M.I, Sound Sultan and Mr.2KAY #KimaniOffAir

Seyi Shay believes it's very possible to be a successful woman without selling yourself and for her, it pays off eventually
Consistently releasing quality music with hard work is sure enough for a female musician and with the right amount, results will definitely abound.

While answering questions on the weekly tweet chat, she openly declared she can't do without her good friends M. I,  Sound Sultan and Mr.  2kay  
Seyi Shay who was the 2nd guest on the #PinkJuly initiative set up by the #kimanioffair team to celebrate women entrepreneurs who stand out amongst others is glad to say she copped the Island Records deal by getting noticed.
#PinkJuly highlights & celebrates women who have been very  instrumental in the development and advancement of their professions. #KimaniOffAir
The tweet chat #kimanioffair hosted by  @cutekimani takes place every Friday at 8pm on Twitter with weekly giveaways
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