Unbelievable!!! Chinese woman's breast implants explode and drop into her back and abdomen

Wrong place: A second woman is pictured who had to undergo an operation to remove all lumps on her torso after her breast implants burst

According to People’s Daily Online an unnamed woman, 37, discovered her breast implants had moved to her back and abdomen, forming ‘fake boobs’ all around her torso.She felt so embarrassed to see a doctor and ignored the problem for years until the pain became unbearable and she was forced to visit the hospital earlier this month. She has had the implants fitted in her breast for more than 10 years ago...

Victims: Official stats show there are around one million women in China who have been injected the gel

Treatment: A similar incident occurred to a woman known as Tian Hui (pictured) from Guangxi Province

Dangerous: Women in China were given a highly toxic implants, called polyacrylamide hydrophilic gel, for breast augmentation until the material was banned by the government in 2006


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